Privacy Policy        

Privacy Policy


This privacy policy informs you about the extent of processing of your personal data ("data").


Data Controller


The data controller responsible for data processing according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is:


Gottfried Wicklein GmbH & Co. KG


Hauptmarkt 7


90403 Nuremberg




Phone: +49 (0) 911 892 08 -55






Contact Details of Our Data Protection Officer




General Information on Data Processing


In the course of operating our website, we process data. This also includes disclosure by transmission to third parties and, if applicable, to third countries outside the European Union ("EU") and the European Economic Area ("EEA"). If we transfer data outside the EU or EEA, we have indicated this accordingly.


Data Processing


a) Log File When Visiting the Website


We log your visit to our website. We process:


The legal basis for data processing is our legitimate interest in the continuous provision and security of our website according to Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR.


The log file is deleted after seven days unless it is needed to prove or clarify specific legal violations that have come to light during the retention period.


b) Hosting


To provide our online presence, we use services from web hosting providers who process the above-mentioned data and all data related to the operation of this website on our behalf.


The legal basis for data processing is our legitimate interest in the provision of our website according to Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR.



We host our website with Webflow. The provider is Webflow, Inc, 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA (hereinafter: Webflow). When you visit our website, Webflow collects various log files including your IP addresses.

Webflow is a tool for creating and hosting websites. Webflow stores cookies or other recognition technologies that are required to display the page, to provide certain website functions and to ensure security (necessary cookies).

Details can be found in Webflow's privacy policy: EU & Swiss Privacy Policy | Webflow.

The use of Webflow is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in ensuring that our website is displayed as reliably as possible. If a corresponding consent has been requested, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR and § 25 para. 1 TTDSG, insofar as the consent includes the storage of cookies or access to information in the user's terminal device (e.g. device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TTDSG. Consent can be revoked at any time.

Data transfer to the USA is based on the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission. Details can be found here: EU & Swiss Privacy Policy | Webflow.

Data processing agreement

We have concluded a data processing agreement (DPA) with the above-mentioned provider. This is a contract prescribed by data protection law, which ensures that the provider processes the personal data of our website visitors only in accordance with our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.


c) Contacting Us


When you contact us, we process the following data for the purpose of processing and handling your inquiry: name, contact details - if provided by you - and your message.


The legal basis for data processing is our obligation to fulfill contracts and/or to fulfill our pre-contractual obligations according to Art. 6 para. 1 b) GDPR and/or our legitimate interest in handling your inquiry according to Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR.


d) Contacting Us for Applications


If you contact us to submit your application as an employee, e.g. by email or through a contact form, the data you provide (e.g. name, email address, desired location, etc.), your message and the submitted application documents will be processed exclusively for the purpose of handling and processing your application inquiry.


The primary legal basis for data processing is § 26 BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act), which allows data processing necessary for the decision on establishing an employment relationship.


If the data might be necessary for legal actions after the application process, data processing to protect our legitimate interests according to Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR may occur, namely to assert and/or defend against claims.


e) Newsletter


To regularly provide you with information about our company and offers, we offer the dispatch of an email newsletter. With your newsletter subscription, we process the data you entered during registration (email address and other voluntary information). To prevent misuse, we will send you an email after your registration asking you to confirm your subscription (double opt-in procedure). To legally document the registration process, your registration is logged. Affected are the registration and confirmation time as well as your IP address.


The legal basis for sending the newsletter is your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 a) GDPR. The data processing related to sending the confirmation email for your registration and the associated data logging occurs according to Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR due to our legitimate interest in proving your proper registration.


This website uses CleverReach for the sending of newsletters. The provider is the CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG, Schafjückenweg 2, 26180 Rastede, Germany (hereinafter “CleverReach”). CleverReach is a service that can be used to organize and analyze the sending of newsletters. The data you have entered for the purpose of subscribing to our newsletter (e.g., e-mail address) are stored on servers of CleverReach in Germany or in Ireland.

Newsletters we send out via CleverReach allow us to analyze the user patterns of our newsletter recipients. Among other things, in conjunction with this, it is possible how many recipients actually opened the newsletter e-mail and how often which link inside the newsletter has been clicked. With the assistance of a tool called Conversion Tracking, we can also determine whether an action that has been predefined in the newsletter actually occurred after the link was clicked (e.g., purchase of a product on this website). For more information on the data analysis services by CleverReach newsletters, please go to:

The data is processed based on your consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR). You may revoke any consent you have given at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter. This shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of any data processing transactions that have taken place prior to your revocation.

If you do not want to permit an analysis by CleverReach, you must unsubscribe from the newsletter. We provide a link for you to do this in every newsletter message.

The data deposited with us for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter will be stored by us until you unsubscribe from the newsletter or the newsletter service provider and deleted from the newsletter distribution list after you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Data stored for other purposes with us remain unaffected.

After you unsubscribe from the newsletter distribution list, your e-mail address may be stored by us or the newsletter service provider in a blacklist, if such action is necessary to prevent future mailings. The data from the blacklist is used only for this purpose and not merged with other data. This serves both your interest and our interest in complying with the legal requirements when sending newsletters (legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR). The storage in the blacklist is indefinite. You may object to the storage if your interests outweigh our legitimate interest.

For more details, please consult the Data Protection Provisions of CleverReach at:

Data processing

We have concluded a data processing agreement (DPA) for the use of the above- mentioned service. This is a contract mandated by data privacy laws that guarantees that they process personal data of our website visitors only based on our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.

7. Plug-ins and Tools


f) Cookies


We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your respective device (PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.) by your browser.


Purposes: We use technically necessary cookies to enable the optimal functionality of our web offerings. These cookies enable, for example, navigation on the website or other basic functions of the website. We also use optional cookies that provide us with additional information, such as for traffic analysis or for advertising and marketing purposes.


Lifetime: The cookies used remain on your device for varying periods:


Cookie Providers: Cookies set directly by us are called first-party cookies. Third-party cookies, on the other hand, are set by external websites, such as when displaying content (advertising, images, tracking pixels, etc.).


Legal Basis for Data Processing: In principle, the legal basis for data processing through a cookie is your consent according to Art. 6 para. 1 a) GDPR or our predominant legitimate interests in optimizing and ensuring the functionality of our web offerings according to Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR.


Revocation and Objection: If data processing occurs based on your consent, you can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future (so-called "opt-out"). If data processing is based on our legitimate interest, you can object to further data processing with effect for the future.


You can revoke your consent using the opt-out link in the privacy policy section of the respective service or by adjusting your preferences on our consent management platform. Information on objecting to data processing can be found in section 8 b) of this privacy policy.


Browser Settings Cookies


Additionally, you can prevent or restrict future data processing by cookies by selecting appropriate browser settings, where, for example, you can disable cookie usage. Already stored cookies can be deleted in the browser settings. More information about the respective browser settings can be found under the following links:


Online Presence in Social Networks


We are active on various social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, etc., to communicate with customers, prospects, and the public and share information.


Please note: If you visit our pages on these platforms, the terms of use and privacy policies of the respective platform operators apply. Your use of social networks and their functions is at your own risk, especially interactive functions such as commenting, sharing, and rating.


When you interact with our social media pages or contact us through these platforms, your personal data may be processed, such as name, contact information, and contents of your inquiries. We process this data exclusively for communication and interaction with you based on your consent or our legitimate interest in public relations and communication.


We are committed to ensuring the security of your data and recommend you carefully consider what information you share.


Use of Social Media Plug-ins on Our Website


We use plug-ins from various social networks on our website to offer additional functions to our users. When you visit our website, these plug-ins can send data to the respective social networks regardless of whether you actively use the plug-ins or not.


The data processing by the plug-ins can include the collection of your IP address and page views and allows social networks to assign this information to your personal user profile if you are logged in there.


For detailed information about the data processing by the social networks where we are present, we recommend reading the privacy policies of these platforms. You can find them at the following links: